The ideas summarised in this book are not just theoretical ones. There is ready to use implementation called COMMS Library. It provides all the necessary types and classes to make the definition of the custom messages as well as wrapping transport data fields to be simple declarative statements of type and class definitions, which specify WHAT needs to be implemented. The library internals handle the HOW part.
NOTE, that the ideas expressed in this book are very basic ones, the mentioned COMMS Library is much more advanced than the examples provided in this book. It is recommended to read the library's tutorial and, as an excersice, to think about ways how the provided examples can be extended to support the described features.
The COMMS Library is a part of a bigger project called CommsChampion. It contains generic plug-in based tools for visualisation and analysis of the communication protocols, which have been implemented using the provided library.
There is also a bundling project. It lists all the open protocols that have been implemented using the COMMS Library.
Last updated 4 years ago