House Passes Final National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2009

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Washington, D.C. – The U.S. House of Representatives today approved the Duncan Hunter National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2009 by an overwhelming vote of 392-39. The final legislation—which reconciles the House and Senate versions of the annual defense authorization bill—authorizes $531.4 billion in discretionary budget authority for the Department of Defense (DoD) and the national security programs of the Department of Energy. Additionally, the legislation authorizes $68.6 billion in supplemental funding to support current operations in Iraq, Afghanistan and elsewhere in the Global War on Terrorism during the first few months of Fiscal Year 2009.

During the short window to negotiate the final legislation, Republicans were successful in their attempts to strengthen specific provisions while stripping or weakening Democrat policies or program cuts that would harm America's Armed Forces or draw a presidential veto.

Statements from Republican members of the House Armed Services Committee follow:

Rep. Duncan Hunter (R-CA): "Thanks go to my good friend, Ike Skelton, the Members of the Armed Services Committee, and the staff for the great job they've done in putting this bill together. This year's defense bill leverages America's strengths by continuing to keep the line warm for the F-22, which is a key weapons system for penetrating current and future air defenses. Another key area of leverage is undersea technology and we are moving toward an acceleration of the submarine program in this bill.

"One disappointment that I have is that we're not doing enough in space. The shooting down of a satellite by China heralded a new era of military competition in space with China whether we like it or not. When you're in a military competition, there's only one alternative—and that is to win. I would urge this committee in the years ahead to build a capability in space to make sure that we maintain all of the institutions and apparatus that we need to make sure that our military and economy operates effectively.

"We're moving ahead in the area of missile defense to try to establish a capability in Europe that would handle an Iranian missile launch. This is an important item because it brings the partnership—the NATO-plus partnership—along with us in what is sometimes a difficult and expensive mission—but a necessary one in order to defend the world in this new era of missiles.

"There are a lot of excellent items in this bill. In the end, they all reflect and focus on the most important warfighting leverage that the United States has—the men and women of this country who where the uniform of the United States.

"We have two Members who are retiring and deserve our thanks and gratitude—the great Mr. Everett of Alabama and the great Mr. Saxton of New Jersey. Terry Everett has done more good for this country behind closed doors than most folks have done with public press conferences and pronouncements. Mr. Saxton, years before the war started, was the chairman of the Taskforce on Terrorism here in the House and did lots of research and predicted that this would be the conflict and challenge of this new era. Jim Saxton is owed a debt of gratitude by everybody who wears those Special Operations uniforms around the world for the work he has done over the years to ensure they have what they need."

Rep. Jim Saxton (R-NJ):

"I am very pleased at the bipartisan effort in passing the 2009 National Defense Authorization Act. Our nation is at war and this bill shows that we are determined to continue the fight and preserve democracy and freedom. The men and women of the Armed Services continue to be our greatest asset—the 3.9 percent pay raise and prohibition on raising TRICARE premiums shows our commitment and gratitude to these outstanding citizens."

Rep. John McHugh (R-NY):

Overall, the defense authorization bill that was approved today was a very good bill, the result of bipartisanship and a good deal of progress and hard work in a short period of time. The bill will provide real and needed support to our troops on the ground and their families here at home. From a Military Personnel perspective, growing our active duty end strength, increasing the basic pay raise by 3.9 percent, and supporting military spouses who serve on the homefront with education and training programs are all meaningful initiatives that will benefit our servicemembers. Additionally, we have continued the prohibition of increases in TRICARE fees, including pharmacy, a feat which the Personnel Subcommittee particularly has worked hard to preserve. Finally, I would be remiss if I didn't mention the monumental contributions of our three retiring Members—Duncan Hunter, Jim Saxton, and Terry Everett—three great leaders and friends that will be dearly missed on this committee."

Rep. Terry Everett (R-AL):

"This is a good bill that provides vital resources for our armed forces, and strengthens our nation's strategic forces. I am pleased that it restores $124 million for the European missile defense sites. It also supports development and fielding of near-term missile defense capabilities, including the Aegis Ballistic Missile Defense and THAAD, and increases funds for these programs by $120 million. Additionally, it funds key military space modernization programs, and focuses more attention on nuclear weapons security. I would have liked to have seen it include an independent study to examine the feasibility of space-based interceptors, as well as funding for the Reliable Replacement Warhead Phase 2a study—two areas that must be addressed to ensure our continued security. On the whole, this is a balanced bill that advances and protects our national defense capability."

Rep. Roscoe Bartlett (R-MD):

"This bill does an excellent job of meeting the needs of our solders, sailors, aviators, and marines. It takes into account the impact of continuing downward pressures on world oil supplies by extending the House commitment to expand nuclear propulsion for shipbuilding from next generation cruisers to future amphibious assault vessels. The bill fully funds the next generation carrier, the next VIRGINIA class submarine, and provides advance procurement to support construction of two VIRGINIA class submarines per year and a DDG-51 destroyer. The bill also authorizes and fully funds two T-AKEs and two Littoral Combat Ships."

Rep. Howard P. "Buck" McKeon (R-CA):

"Today's passage of the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2009 is a victory for military families. While the defense measure isn't perfect, it is a decidedly good bill that improves contract accountability and addresses some of the military's most pressing needs, including the need to grow the Army and Marine Corps. I am particularly pleased by the overall support included in the defense reauthorization bill for operations in Afghanistan and Iraq, which our military so aptly deserves."

Rep. J. Randy Forbes (R-VA):

"I am pleased to have supported this critical legislation that contained several strong provisions to bolster our military readiness and help us to maintain the quality of our equipment and the standard of living for our troops and their families. I am particularly pleased with the inclusion of funding for school districts impacted by BRAC, accelerated funding for the Virginia Class Submarine program, the 3.9 percent pay raise for military members, and for once again preventing the Administration from raising TRICARE fees for military retirees. I am eager for the legislation to be signed into law to help protect our homeland and provide critical resources for our troops at home and abroad."

Rep. Joe Wilson (R-SC):

"Congress has addressed a number of logistic and strategic items in this authorization, and for that I am grateful. Additional funding to reset our military—particularly the Army and Marine Corps—is vital to meeting current and future military operations. Updating our forces includes honoring the courageous service of our National Guard and Reserve. In that respect, additional full-time personnel and funding for those forces recognizes their increasing role in today's conflicts. Additionally, the United States remains the leader in the promotion of nuclear non-proliferation. I am grateful that the mixed oxide fuel facility supported in this legislation will mean progress towards turning nuclear weapons of war into instruments of peaceful diplomacy and sound environmental policy."

Rep. Tom Cole (R-OK):

"The defense of our nation is paramount. This bill has many strengths but one I am particularly proud of is its emphasis on military readiness. By ensuring our troops continue to receive the state-of-the-art training they need, our military is better positioned to anticipate the changing tactics of those who wish us harm."

Rep. John Kline (R-MN):

"As the husband of a career Army nurse, the father of a son who served in Iraq and is currently serving in Afghanistan, and a 25-year Marine Corps veteran myself, I consider it one of my greatest duties in Congress to ensure we keep our promises to our veterans of today and tomorrow. As a member of the House Armed Services Committee, I was pleased to play a direct role in preparing and passing legislation that reflects an unwavering commitment to our brave sons and daughters in uniform, their families, and to a strong national defense. I am disappointed, however, that Congress missed an opportunity to further increase veteran benefits. Despite its many commendable provisions, this legislation falls short of resolving all remaining inequities regarding disability offsets from military retired pay."

Rep. Phil Gingrey, MD (R-GA):

"I am proud to join my colleagues on the Armed Services Committee in support of final passage of the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2009. It is an honor to have had a part in writing this legislation that first and foremost provides our troops the tools they need to defend our nation. Further, by providing advance procurement funding for an additional lot of F-22A Raptors, this legislation takes a major step toward ensuring America's continued air superiority far into the future. As Ranking Member Hunter's final NDAA, this bill is a great testament to his—and Chairman Skelton's—leadership and service."

Rep. Trent Franks (R-AZ):

"I appreciate several important provisions in the bill including a pay raise for our warfighters, and a provision for which I advocated in Committee, requiring an annual report on Iran's capability to produce nuclear weapons. Unfortunately, the bill still fails to fully fund vital programs that will protect the American people and our allies. Even after the Senate was able to restore some of the funds in Conference that Democrats on HASC found acceptable to cut, the President's missile defense programs request was still cut by $410 million. I am especially disappointed that Democrats in the House cut $246 million to fully fund the European Missile Defense Site.

"The Conference report also did not include an authorization to study the concept of space based interceptors. The United States must not continue to sit idly by while other nations aggressively pursue space for military purposes. We can do better than this and I look forward to working with my colleagues to address these issues in the next Congress."

Rep. Bill Shuster (R-PA):

"I am pleased that the House has acted on this extremely important legislation to support our men and women in uniform. Getting to this point has been a long process, but in the final result, we have a bill that strongly supports our forces engaged in the War on Terror, gives our troops a much needed pay raise and invests in the technology and equipment we need to remain the premiere fighting force in the world."

Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers (R-WA):

"I was pleased to support this legislation which helps ensure our military personnel are equipped with the tools they need and ensures they receive the benefits they deserve, including a 3.9 percent pay raise for members of the Armed Forces. I am confident this bill addresses the needs of our military, vital operational issues facing the Department of Defense and enables our military men and women to operate effectively in military and humanitarian efforts around the world."

Rep. Michael Conaway (R-TX):

"Our Armed Forces deserve, and will get, the full and timely support from its citizens and government. I am pleased that we have put many partisan issues aside to produce a Defense authorization bill that provides that support. Despite some flaws, it is a good bill that will afford our Marines, Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen, and those who support them, many of the tools they need to execute their very critical missions around the globe. This bill provides several crucial provisions such as increasing the size of our military, authorizing an additional $800,000 to help re-equip the National Guard and Reserves, improving the quality of family housing, a 3.9 percent pay increase for our troops, and increasing funding for special operations. I am proud of my fellow Armed Services Committee colleagues and their dedication to supporting our men and women who so honorably serve our great Country."

Rep. Doug Lamborn (R-CO):

"As the U. S. Representative for the Fifth District of Colorado and member of the House Armed Services Committee, I am pleased that the Duncan Hunter National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2009 was passed by the U.S. House of Representatives today. This vital and key legislation authorizes $531.4 billion in discretionary budget authority for the Department of Defense (DoD) and the national security programs of the Department of Energy. $465 million was allocated for the European Missile Defense Site and while this amount does not meet the request made by President Bush, it is significantly more than the amount originally passed in the House bill. Fortunately, $68.6 billion in supplemental funding for the initial months of Fiscal Year 2009 was also authorized to support current operations in Iraq, Afghanistan and elsewhere in the Global War on Terror. Additionally, our men and women in uniform will continue to be compensated adequately for serving our nation as this bill provides a well deserved pay raise of 3.9 percent for all armed service members. I appreciate and applaud all of the hard work my colleagues and the House Armed Services Committee have put into this victory for all Americans."

Rep. Rob Wittman (R-VA):

"This legislation provides our men and women in uniform with the tools to accomplish their mission and protect our country. Moreover, it makes great strides in caring for our service members and their families. Adequate defense funding is critical for the many military installations in my district, and I'm glad Congress is able to fulfill our obligation to them."

Highlights of the bill include:

· $531.4 billion in budget authority for the Department of Defense and the national security programs of the Department of Energy.

· An additional $70 billion in supplemental funding to support the Global War on Terrorism's operational costs, personnel expenses and procurement of new equipment for the first few months of Fiscal Year 2009.

· A 3.9% pay raise for all members of the Armed Forces in 2009.

· Additional funding for force protection needs in support of Operation Enduring Freedom and Operation Iraqi Freedom, including $1.7 billion for state-of-the-art Mine Resistant Ambush Protected (MRAP) vehicles.

· $2.1 billion for an additional 6 C-17's to support intra-theater airlift requirements and meet the airlift needs for the increased end strength in the Army and Marine Corps.

· $2.9 billion for 20 additional F-22A aircraft in 2009 and $523 million in advanced procurement funding for 20 additional aircraft in 2010.

· Restores $309 million for missile defense that was cut in the House-version of the defense bill, including the restoration of $124 million for European missile defense interceptors and radars.

· Additional increases of 7,000 Army and 5,000 Marine Corps active duty personnel to sustain our required missions.

· An additional $800 million for National Guard equipment. The final legislation also increases full-time manning for the Army National Guard to 32,060 and the Air National Guard to 14,360.

· Extends the prohibition the committee enacted last year on increases to TRICARE Prime and TRICARE Standard.

· Extends the prohibition the committee enacted last year on retail pharmacy cost share increases.

· Enhances certain Department of Defense authorities totrain and equip foreign forces, lend needed equipment to coalition partners, provide limited funds to the Department of State for security and stabilization efforts, and allow Defense Department officials to work more closely with their foreign counterparts.

· Authorizes multi-year procurement authority and advanced construction for the Virginia-class submarine program and provides an additional $300 million for advanced procurement of long lead items, enabling a smoother acceleration to construction of 2 hulls per year.