The @import CSS at-rule is used to import style rules from other style sheets. These rules must precede all other types of rules, except @charset rules; as it is not a nested statement, @import cannot be used inside conditional group at-rules. So that user agents can avoid retrieving resources for unsupported media types, authors may specify media-dependent @import rules. These conditional imports specify comma-separated media queries after the URI. In the absence of any media query, the import is unconditional. Specifying all for the medium has the same effect.
@import url; @import url list-of-media-queries;
@import [ | ] [ ]?;where
= #
= | [ not | only ]? [ and ]?
= | | |
= | |where
= not
= [ and ]+
= [ or ]+
= ( ) | |where
= ( [ | | ] )
= [ ) ] | ( )where
= :
= [ '<' | '>' ]? '='? | [ '<' | '>' ]? '='? | '<' '='? '<' '='? | '>' '='? '>' '='?where
= | | |
@import url("fineprint.css") print; @import url("bluish.css") projection, tv; @import 'custom.css'; @import url("chrome://communicator/skin/"); @import "common.css" screen, projection; @import url('landscape.css') screen and (orientation:landscape);
Specification | Status | Comment |
CSS Cascading and Inheritance Level 3 The definition of '@import' in that specification. | Candidate Recommendation | |
Media Queries The definition of '@import' in that specification. | Recommendation | Extended the syntax to support any media query and not only simple media types. |
CSS Level 2 (Revision 1) The definition of '@import' in that specification. | Recommendation | Added support for to denote the url of a stylesheet, and requirement to insert the @import rule at the beginning of the CSS document. |
CSS Level 1 The definition of '@import' in that specification. | Recommendation | Initial definition |
Feature | Chrome | Edge | Firefox (Gecko) | Internet Explorer | Opera | Safari |
Basic support | (Yes) | (Yes) | (Yes) | 5.5 | (Yes) | (Yes) |
Feature | Android | Edge | Firefox Mobile (Gecko) | IE Mobile | Opera Mobile | Safari Mobile |
Basic support | (Yes) | (Yes) | (Yes) | 5.5 | (Yes) | (Yes) |