Drafting a Hold Harmless Agreement

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Also note: This is not legal advice.


Hold harmless agreements are an essential part of any contractual arrangement. By protecting both parties from potential liability, these agreements safeguard the interests of business owners and contractors alike. However, it is also important to note that hold harmless agreements do not absolve either party from liability for intentional or grossly negligent acts.

At Genie AI, we understand the importance of having a hold harmless agreement in place. Our team strives to provide resources and guidance to those looking to draft their own document. With our open source legal template library, anyone can craft a high-quality contract without the need to pay a lawyer.

In order to create your own hold harmless agreement, there are a few key steps you should take into consideration. Firstly, you’ll need to decide who will be responsible for potential liabilities - this is referred to as ‘indemnification’. Secondly, you should ensure that all parties involved in the contractual arrangement fully understand the terms of the document; if any term is unclear or unsatisfactory then it must be addressed before signing off on anything. Lastly, it’s important that all relevant information is included in your agreement - such as indemnifying party’s name and contact details - so as not to leave anything out or cause confusion down the line.

At Genie AI we want nothing more than for our readership to have access to quality legal documents such as hold harmless agreements without having an account with us; read on below for more information on how you can easily access our template library today!

Definitions (feel free to skip)

Indemnifying Party: The person or entity that is responsible for protecting another person or entity from any potential liability or damages.
Indemnified Party: The person or entity that is being protected from any potential liability or damages.
Scope of Indemnification: The extent to which the indemnifying party will be held responsible for any potential liability or damages.
Potential Liabilities: Possible losses or damages that the indemnifying party may be responsible for.
Exclusions: Conditions or activities that are not covered by the agreement.


Get started

Definition of a Hold Harmless Agreement

Identify the Parties Involved in a Hold Harmless Agreement

Who is the Indemnifying Party

You can check this off your list and move on to the next step once you have identified the indemnifying party, determined if they are able to cover the liabilities, losses, or damages, and included a clause in the agreement specifying the indemnifying party’s responsibility.

Who is the Indemnified Party

How you’ll know when you can check this off your list and move on to the next step:

Understand Legal Elements of a Hold Harmless Agreement

Identify Potential Liabilities

Define Scope of Indemnification

When you can check this off your list:

State Any Exclusions

Determine What is Covered by a Hold Harmless Agreement

Once all necessary coverage is listed in the agreement and all parties have signed and dated it, you can check this off your list and move on to the next step.

Determine What is Not Covered by a Hold Harmless Agreement

When you can check this off your list and move on to the next step:

Research Legal Implications of a Hold Harmless Agreement

Familiarize Yourself with Best Practices for Drafting a Hold Harmless Agreement

You can check this off your list when you have a thorough understanding of the purpose and structure of a hold harmless agreement, and a good idea of the language that should be included in your agreement.

Draft a Hold Harmless Agreement

You will know you can check this off your list and move on to the next step when you have completed the necessary elements for drafting a Hold Harmless Agreement.

Include All Required Elements

Ensure Agreement is Legally Binding

Finalize a Hold Harmless Agreement

Have All Parties Sign

Ensure Agreement is Dated

File a Hold Harmless Agreement

Ensure Agreement is Filed with the Appropriate Agency

Once all documents have been submitted and filing fees have been paid, you can check this off your list and move on to the next step.

Keep a Copy of the Signed Agreement


Q: What is an example of a ‘hold harmless agreement’?

Asked by Rachel on January 8th 2022.
A: A ‘hold harmless agreement’ is a legally binding contract between two or more parties, in which one party agrees to indemnify the other from any harm that may arise due to the actions of the former. These agreements are commonly found in a variety of contexts, ranging from business contracts to residential lease agreements. For example, a hold harmless agreement might be used by a company which is hiring an independent contractor to do work; the company would agree to protect the contractor from any damages they might incur while performing the job.

Q: What are the benefits of drafting a hold harmless agreement?

Asked by James on March 21st 2022.
A: Drafting a hold harmless agreement can offer a variety of benefits for all parties involved. Firstly, it can help to protect all parties from potential liability in the event something goes wrong, such as an injury or property damage. Secondly, these agreements can also help to ensure that any disputes that arise between parties are handled fairly and quickly, because both parties will have agreed ahead of time who will bear responsibility in certain circumstances. Finally, these agreements can help to provide clarity and protect any confidential information shared between the two parties.

Q: What is the difference between a ‘hold harmless agreement’ and an ‘indemnity agreement’?

Asked by Emily on June 5th 2022.
A: While both ‘hold harmless agreements’ and ‘indemnity agreements’ are legally binding contracts between two or more parties, there is an important distinction between them. An indemnity agreement typically involves one party agreeing to compensate another for any damages or losses incurred as a result of their actions, whereas a hold harmless agreement usually involves one party agreeing to protect another from any potential harm resulting from their actions. As such, indemnity agreements tend to be more focused on reimbursement for losses than hold harmless agreements.

Q: When should I use a hold harmless agreement?

Asked by Christopher on August 12th 2022.
A: A hold harmless agreement can be used in many different situations where one party needs protection from potential harm caused by the actions of another. Some common examples include when hiring an independent contractor or subcontractor, when entering into business partnerships, when renting out property, when entering into loan agreements, and when entering into contractual relationships with suppliers or customers. In each of these cases, it can be beneficial to draft and sign a hold harmless agreement in order to ensure that all parties are adequately protected against potential liabilities.

Q: What should I include in my hold harmless agreement?

Asked by Jennifer on October 22nd 2022.
A: When drafting your own hold harmless agreement, there are certain key elements that you should include in order to ensure that it is effective and legally binding. These elements typically include: (1) an identification of all parties involved; (2) a definition of what activities will be covered by the agreement; (3) a statement outlining which party is responsible for any damages that may arise; (4) an affirmation of understanding and acceptance from all parties; (5) an acknowledgement that all information shared between parties is confidential; and (6) signatures from all parties involved in order to make it legally binding.

Q: Do I need legal advice before drafting my own hold harmless agreement?

Asked by Joshua on December 28th 2022.
A: While drafting your own hold harmless agreement can be relatively straightforward in some cases, it is important to note that different jurisdictions have varying laws and regulations which may affect your particular situation or needs. Therefore, it is recommended that you seek legal advice before finalizing your own draft in order to ensure that it meets all applicable legal requirements and adequately protects your interests.

Q: How long does a hold harmless agreement last?

Asked by Ashley on February 15th 2022.
A: The length of time for which a hold harmless agreement remains valid depends on several factors including the specific terms outlined within it as well as applicable laws in your local jurisdiction; however, most agreements tend to last for at least one year after signing unless otherwise specified within the contract itself. It is important to note that even after this period has expired, the terms outlined within the contract may still remain in effect until either party gives written notice indicating otherwise.

Q: Are there any exceptions to what can be included in a hold harmless agreement?

Asked by Michael on April 25th 2022.
A: Generally speaking, most forms of harm can be covered under the terms of a hold harmless agreement; however, it is important to note that certain exceptions may apply depending on your local jurisdiction or industry sector. For example, some jurisdictions may not allow certain forms of damage (such as consequential damages) or certain types of activity (such as illegal activities) to be included within these types of contracts due to public policy issues or other legal considerations. Therefore, you should always seek legal advice before finalizing your draft so as to ensure that all applicable laws are taken into account.

Q: What happens if one party fails to uphold their obligations under a hold harmless agreement?

Asked by Sarah on July 8th 2022.
A: In the event that one party fails to uphold their obligations under the terms of a hold harmless agreement, they may be liable for breach of contract depending on the specific facts surrounding this particular situation as well as any applicable laws in your local jurisdiction; therefore, it is important for both parties to ensure they are familiar with all aspects of this type of contract before entering into it so as to avoid any potential legal repercussions down the line. Additionally, it is also important for both parties to review their obligations periodically during the course of their relationship so as to ensure they remain compliant with all contractual obligations moving forward.

Q: Are there any risks associated with drafting my own hold harmless agreement?

Asked by Matthew on September 19th 2022.
A: As with any type of contract or legal document, there are certain risks associated with drafting your own hold harmless agreement without seeking professional advice first; therefore, it is important that you understand all aspects of this type of contract before entering into one so as to avoid any potential issues down the line such as disputes over interpretation or enforcement issues due to incorrect wording within the document itself. Additionally, you should also bear in mind that different jurisdictions have varying laws and regulations which could affect your particular situation or needs; therefore, seeking professional advice before finalizing your draft can help ensure that you remain compliant with all applicable legal requirements at all times.

Q: How do I ensure my own interests are protected when drafting a hold harmless agreement?

Asked by Emily on November 3rd 2022.
A: When drafting your own hold harmless agreement it is important to ensure that you clearly outline each party’s responsibilities and obligations so as to protect your own interests at all times; additionally, you should also make sure you understand all applicable laws in your local jurisdiction which could affect your particular situation or needs before finalizing your draft so as to ensure compliance at every stage of the process. Finally, having a qualified lawyer review your document prior to signing can also provide additional peace-of-mind by ensuring that all relevant matters have been taken into account during drafting and negotiation stages alike…

Example dispute

Suing Companies for Breach of a Hold Harmless Agreement

Templates available (free to use)

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